V4+WB RMA Network is an initiative for supporting and strengthening the network of Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs). Funded by the International Visegrad Fund, the partnership led by HETFA will focus on the V4 (Poland, Czech, Slovakia and Hungary) and Western Balkan countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia) to improve their overall participation in the EU funded programmes for research and innovation, including the novel Horizon Europe framework.
Project Info
Funded by the International Visegrad Fund
Implementation period: 11/2020 − 04/2022
Website: https://hetfa.eu/international-projects/v4wb-rmas/
Контакт: Марина Костић − mmatovic@cpn.rs
HETFA Research Institute Ltd, Hungary
Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Charles University, Czech Republic
Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
INTER-EDU–Association for Internationalization of Education and Science, North Macedonia
Center for the Promotion of Science, Serbia
Project Description
The project aims to strengthen the network of Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) from Visegrad Four (V4) and Western Balkan (WB) countries, in order to contribute to their more successful participation in the following EU funded Research and Innovation (R&I) Framework Programme, Horizon Europe (HE).
The project seeks to decrease the excellence and networking gap within the region by improving the skills of RMAs and researchers and by reinforcing the network of RMAs at regional level. The first aim will be fulfilled by a series of webinars offered by partners and invited experts, while the second will be realised based on a new platform, providing networking functions and learning materials for interested staff members working on the interface of science. The main topics covered will include discussing legal and financial issues connected to the HE projects, science communication, intellectual property protection and management – and many more.
The Role of CPN
CPN coordinates the overall communication and dissemination of the project, and contributes to the organisation of webinar series and the final V4+WB RMA Network Conference. CPN is in charge of the production of learning materials connected to webinars, project events and topics, as well as of gathering contacts and reach out to potential users of the Learning Material Platform. Another important communication and dissemination task is to share and publish project content and outcomes through designated social media.