Realizing potentials of nature-based climate shelters in school environments for urban transformation
COOLSCHOOLS project aims to investigate the projects being carried out in playgrounds and school environments in Barcelona, Brussels, Paris and Rotterdam. The actions taking place within the framework of this pioneering project aim to understand the factors and potential of these interventions for driving socio-ecological changes towards urban sustainability, climate resilience, social justice and quality education, and to make the educational community a driving force in municipal districts.
Project Information
Source of Funding: JPI Urban Europe
Project Duration: 04/2022 – 03/2025
Website: coolschools.eu
Contact: Dobrivoje Lale Erić – dleric@cpn.rs
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
University of Twente, Netherlands
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Hasselt University, Belgium
National Center for Scientific Research, France
European Schoolnet, Belgium
Brussels Environment, Belgium
Affiliated Partners
Paris City Hall, France
Barcelona City Council, Spain
El Globus Vermell, Spain
City of Rotterdam, Netherlands
Stichting Springzaad, Netherlands
IVN Natuureducatie, Netherlands
Center for the Promotion of Science, Serbia
Project Description
COOLSCHOOLS project has been launched to design possible social strategies that can contribute to mitigating and adapting to climate change and improving the quality of life of citizens and of children, in particular. The three-year study examines the transformative potential of nature-based solutions in European school environments by launching various actions based on developing climate shelters in schools. The cornerstone of this approach are nature-based solutions. They make the most of services provided by ecosystems to meet the challenges we currently face, including climate change or pollution. For example, they look to increase green and shaded areas, use more sustainable and environmentally friendly materials or provide greater access to water.
The Role of CPN
CPN participates in the project as an affiliated entity focusing on the dissemination and further exploitation of project methodology and outcomes. Additionally, due to its existing projects and practices, like TeRRIFICA and Scientix-based Eco-STEAM Challenge, the CPN will provide access to local experiences and useful knowledge about the school climate transformation and adaptation measures and actions throughout Serbia.