European ARTificial Intelligence Lab
AI – Artificial Intelligence is slowly becoming a ubiquitous phenomenon and it increasingly shapes our lives, behaviour, habits and activities. With its fast development and dramatic progress, many questions, doubts and fears arise, but in addition it also boosts enthusiasm. But what are the possibilities that AI really offers? And can scientists and artists somehow, through interdisciplinary cooperation and joint concepts, help us understand the future that is already on the threshold, or has it already begun? The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab project deals with a number of related topics and opens up a joint discussion on a wide field which artificial intelligence offers, involving neuroscience and robotics, as well as new (sub)disciplines which have not yet been named in Serbian, such as Data Science, Machine or Deep Learning, etc.
Project Information
Source of funding: Creative Europe
Траjање проjекта 10/2018 – 12/2021
Web site: https://ars.electronica.art/ailab/en/
Contact: Dobrivoje Lale Erić – dleric@cpn.rs
Ars Electronica, Austria
Science Gallery, Ireland
Waag Society, Netherlands
LABoral, Spain
Etopia, Spain
Kapelica, Slovenia
Hexagon, France
SOU Festival, Georgia
Gluon, Belgium
CLICK Festival, Denmark
Onassis Cultural Center, Greece
le lieu unique, France
Center for the Promotion of Science, Serbia
Scientific partners (external)
Project Description
The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab project is a continuation of a highly successful collaboration within the European Digital Art and Science Network. It brings together a large number of initial partners along with new ones from France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Greece and Georgia.
In the broad and comprehensive domain of artificial intelligence, the project will focus primarily on cultural, psychological and philosophical aspects which come under strong impact of new technologies and scientific discoveries. Undoubtedly, the traditional boundaries of individual and collective identity have come into question, and human society, or even modern civilisation as a whole, are facing inevitable changes. The project will maintain the established and successfully tested practice of open calls, art residences in key European scientific institutes and production of original works, created on the basis of these calls and proclaimed principles. Each organisation involved in the project will independently develop its own various programs exhibitions, educational workshops, conferences, seminars, performances and like before in the original Art & Science project, new and unique events will be realised jointly in Linz, Ljubljana, Zaragoza, Tbilisi, Athens, Amsterdam, Dublin, Belgrade…
The Role of CPN
During the forthcoming years in 2019, 2020 and 2021, under the umbrella of the art+science programme, the Center will implement and present a number of program activities. In order to achieve this, a cooperation at national level will be initiated between art universities, associations and individuals on the one hand, and prestigious scientific institutions on the other; these being the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković". At the very beginning of the project, concerning the activities of CPN, a study visit to the Ars Electronica in Linz, the Gallery "Kapelica" and House of Experiments in Ljubljana was organised. This tour conceived under the concept We Inspire You! was intended for partners, media and key stakeholders in the dialogue between science and society. The goal of this event is a part of a wider initiative supporting scientific culture and literacy in our country, as symbols of modern society which is ready for open communication and public engagement.