Horizon Europe project LOESS − Literacy boost through an Operational Educational Ecosystem of Societal actors on Soil health, aims to analyse and provide an overview of the current level of soil related knowledge at different educational levels across Europe, while developing at the same time innovative teaching programmes and resources, including the novel Atlas of Soil Education. The project has been implemented through the creation of the Communities of Practice − CoPs in 15 European countries.
Project Information
Source of funding: EU Horizon Europe programme
Project duration: 06/2023 – 05/2026
Website: loess-project.eu
Contact: Irena Šujdović − isujdovic@cpn.rs
Wissenschaftsladen Bonn, Germany
EUN Partnership AISBL, Belgium
Vettenskap & Allmänhet, Sweden
Universitaet Innsbruck, Austria
Universita degli studi di Sassari, Italy
Justinmind SL, Spain
Technological University Dublin, Ireland
Univerzita Sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Slovakia
Wageningen University, Netherlands
Viesoji Istaiga Socialiniu Inovaciju Institutas, Lithuania
Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poland
Controvento, Italy
Associacio Catalana D’universitats Publiques, Spain
Ans Egitim Hizmetleri Yonetim Danismanligi, Turkey
Universita Degli Studi Di Brescia, Italy
Universitaet Vechta, Germany
Apopsi, Greece
The Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Hungary
Center for the Promotion of Science
Project Description
LOESS project maps, connects and engages with multiple actors through the Communities of Practice (CoPs) in 15 European countries to provide an overview of the current level of soil related knowledge in different educational levels, and to develop diverse educational materials. LOESS will explore educational needs amongst school pupils (primary and secondary level), students and young professionals, and larger society across the European Union and Horizon Europe Associated Countries, including Serbia. This project will investigate why the existing materials are not used to a greater extent, and co-create courses and modules for soil education, including virtual and augmented reality applications. These resources will target different stages of education, connecting them with global and local challenges of climate changes, biodiversity loss and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Role of CPN
Center for the Promotion of Science participates in the project as a leader of the work package tasked with the capacity building and campaigning. To ensure efficient and effective dissemination, use and exploitation of tools, knowledge and experiences, different media channels, networking activities and methods will be deployed to reach diverse actors and target groups. Together with the most of partner organisations, the CPN will create and implement four tailored campaigns for the extended use of developed modules and materials. CPN will gather local practitioners and stakeholders in Serbia through its CoP, engaging them in numerous activities and providing constant consultancy, twinning and peer learning. An online workshop for editors, journalists and producers of TV programmes and magazines for kids and youth and one international summer camp for the youth from South-East Europe will be organised as well.