Tools for Responsible Research and Innovation
The main idea behind the RRI Tools: Tools for Responsible Research and Innovation project is improving the dialogue between science and the society in order to encourage and empower research and innovation which would be in line with the values and needs of that society.
Project Information
Source of Funding: FP7 European Commission Programme
Project Duration: 01/2014 – 12/2016
Project Website: www.rri-tools.eu
Kонтакт: Добривоје Лале Ерић – dleric@cpn.rs
„la Caixa“ Foundation, Spain
IrsiCaixa, Spain
Athena Institute, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ecsite, Belgium
University College London, Great Britain
Zentrum fuer soziale innovation, Austria
EuroScience, France
Ciência Viva – Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica, Portugal
The European Business and Innovation Centre Network, Belgium
European foundation centre, Belgium
European School Network, Belgium
European business and innovation centre network, Belgium
Bonn Science Shop, Germany
Fondazione Caripio, Italy
King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium
Fundacja na rzecz nauki polskiej, Poland
Everis, Spain
Experimentarium, Denmark
AHHAA Science Center, Estonia
Ellinogermaniki agogi, Greece
Mobilis Science Center, Hungary
Science animation midi-pyrenees, France
Techmania Science Center, Czech Republic
Science Gallery Dublin, Ireland
The Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry Association, Bulgaria
Vetenskap & Allmänhet, Sweden
Center for the Promotion of Science, Serbia
Project Description
Every day we are faced with numerous challenges such as climate change, unbalanced consumption of natural resources, the health of the population and migrations, research and innovation influence all of these challenges and their contribution to overcoming them is crucial. In order to encourage and strengthen research and innovation which are able to respond to society’s challenges in a sustainable and ethical manner, the European Commission is increasingly emphasising the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). The objective of the RRI Tools project is to provide methods for greater public involvement in the process of research and innovation, as well as better coordination between the different groups of stakeholders (science, research and education communities, policy makers, civil society organisations and businesses).
After the analysis of the current European research practice, defining the RRI criteria and researching the needs of all stakeholders, a final product in shape of a toolkit for the implementation of this concept was designed – RRI Toolkit. RRI Toolkit represents an Internet platform with an abundance of resources – examples of good practice, guides, manuals, catalogues, databases, results and documents from numerous European and even global projects. The goal of this platform is to assist all stakeholders in the realisation of the Responsible Research and Innovation idea. In the last phase of the project, during 2016, training courses, workshops, debates and other activities aimed at the promotion of the Responsible Research and Innovation concept and education of all stakeholders on how to use the RRI Toolkit in practice, will be organised across Europe. RRI критериjума и испитивања потреба заинтересованих страна, као финални производ проjекта креиран је сет алата (енгл. RRI Тoolkit) за примену овог концепта. У питању је интернет платформа са обиљем ресурса – примера добрих пракси, водича, упутстава, каталога, база података, резултата и докумената бројних европских па и глобалних проjеката, коjа има за циљ да свим заинтересованим странама помогне у реализациjи идеjе о одговорном истраживању и иновациjама. У последњоj фази проjекта, током 2016. године, широм Европе се спроводе тренинзи, радионице, дебате и друге активности коjе за циљ имаjу заступање идеjе о одговорном истраживању и иновациjама и тренирање свих заинтересованих актера за будућу примену овог алата у пракси.
The Role of CPN
The Centre for the Promotion of Science is the regional centre of this project and coordinator of all activities organised in five countries of the South-eastern Europe – Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. During 2016, in Serbia and other countries in the region, CPN together with its local partners and public institutions organised and implemented numerous training courses, workshops, panels, and presentations dedicated to the principles of the Responsible Research and Innovation and possibilities of using the RRI Toolkit.