European Researchers’ Night project
The aim of the ReFocuS 3.0 (Road to Friday of Science) project is to significantly raise public awareness about the importance of the role of science within society and for society, placing researchers at the center of public attention. What is presented in 2020 are openness of science to diversity and knowledge dissemination, as well as the “science is everywhere” concept itself. The fact stands that both science and society can benefit from variety, being that this offers us various points of view. Diversity of project partners, both science partners, and partners in cultural institutions, expands a general view about how and why science and researchers are important for a society.
Project Information
Grant agreement: European Commission Horizon 2020 programme, Marie Curie subprogramme
Implementation period: 07/2020 – 02/2021
Website: nocistrazivaca.rs
Contact: Danijela Vučićević – dvucicevic@cpn.rs
Center for the Promotion of Science
Dr Tanja Adnađević - tadnadjevic@cpn.rs
Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš
Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute Kragujevac
Through the ReFocuS 3.0 project we want to point to the importance of science in everyday life, and to draw the scientific method closer to a wider population, through meetings with local researchers and their work. A special focus is on raising awareness about the importance of science for every individual, and on how crucial their participation is: the participation of researchers, citizens, associations, and everyone who wants and can give their support. Hoping that as many people as possible will get involved in scientific research, the focus is also on the concept of citizen science which entails that the public conducts research together with scientists. Citizens will grasp the importance of science, as well as of their own role more easily, when we show them how applied science can contribute to solving the problems that affect them, too. The third, biggest edition of the ReFocuS 3.0 project so far, will encompass activities in 14 cities and 46 locations, including science institutes, museums, science clubs, fortresses, city parks, and libraries. Despite the epidemiological situation, which posed new challenges, content from various locations will reach each interested individual through the online format: virtual walks, demonstrations, experiments, lectures, quizzes, video series, workshops, talks with scientists. The true value of the project lies in showing the openness of science to a variety of participants, who can give their contribution and complete the image about the importance of science and researchers for society.
The Role of CPN
Center for the Promotion of Science is the coordinating organisation, and it participates in all parts of the project through the collaboration with partners, in 14 cities all over Serbia. Due to its numerous and dynamic activities, the Center became notable among Serbian citizens, together with a great number of collaborators, enthusiasts, scientists, and journalists. The Center also initiated the founding of the Science Clubs Network, through which it coordinates events within the work package 2. CPN directly manages activities on social media, as well as the PR and media campaign, since this is one of the most efficient ways to make an impact on young people and their choices. As part of the project, the distinct Researches’ Week, which precedes the European Researchers’ Night, is one of the ways to reach more people, and inspire them to join the biggest Pan-European event in the sphere of science communication.