The European Digital Art and Science Network
Created as a result of the previously established collaboration between various partner organizations, this project initiates an active dialogue of artists and scientists, and the creation of a network of institutions which can present this kind of communication and programmes to the widest audience. In the time of complex social, economic and cultural processes and topics, it is beyond doubt that the modern world is largely based on new technologies, the aesthetics of current media and the communication of desired content. The main objective of the project, therefore, is an innovative blend of contemporary scientific research and existing practices in the domain of digital art.
Project Information
Source of funding: Creative Europe
Project Duration: 10/2014 – 09/2017
Project Website: aec.at/artandscience
Contact: Dobrivoje Lale Erić – dleric@cpn.rs
Ars Electronica, Austria
Science Gallery, Ireland
GV Art, Great Britain
LABoral, Spain
Etopia, Spain
Kapelica, Slovenia
DIG Gallery, Slovakia
Center for the Promotion of Science, Serbia
External partners
European Souther Observatory
European Space Agency
Project Description
The project involves 4 rounds of open calls for artists in which the main award is a one month residency including scientific mentoring in one of the three largest science centers in Europe – the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the European Space Agency (ESA) and CERN, while the final production of the work takes place in Linz.
With the use of advanced technologies and authentic creative techniques, selected artists give their vision of fundamental science and contemporary scientific research and discovery, but also their relationship and impact on man and society as a whole. These are the works which rely heavily on creative, scientific and technical processes, such as methodological research, dedicated programming and use of open source software and codes.
The Role of CPN
The Center implemented numerous activities and significantly expanded the programme and planned contents. Four rounds of open calls for artists with around 50 received applications from Serbia have been actively promoted. The nine best competition concepts were presented during May Month of Mathematics 2015 at the SASA Gallery of Science and Technology. In Belgrade, a two-day programme of workshops for artists was held in Kolarac, which was attended by 60 young artists and students of art schools (December 2015). The first Art+Science exhibition in Serbia (Cultural Center of Belgrade, April 2016) presented the first winners of the national selection and the works of four guest artists and groups. The second Art+Science programme in Serbia was realized in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Ritopek, including exhibitions in three galleries of the Cultural Center of Belgrade (Artget and Podroom art galleries, as well as the Movie Theatre and its hall), SASA Gallery of Science and Technology and CPN Science Club, from 27 April to 25 May 2017. Twenty artists and groups from around the world participated, including artists from South Korea, Peru, Austria, Germany, Spain, Slovenia and other countries.