How your brain works?

The world is facing a significant challenge in the form of neurological disorders, with the World Health Organisation estimating that one in five people globally will be affected by such conditions. Despite the high prevalence of these disorders, there are still no cures, and the public still has a limited understanding of the basic principles of neuroscience due to the complexity of the nervous system and the difficulty in accessing tools for investigation. CPN partnered with Backyard Brains from the USA to introduce modern, project-based techniques through neuroscience, a highly integrated STEM field critically relying on the AI developments.

Project Info

Funding source: Serbian-American Cooperation Grants Program, US Embassy in Serbia

Project duration: 10/23 − 09/24

Contact: Anđela Simičić –


Center for the Promotion of Science


Backyard Brains,USA

Nordeus Foundation, Serbia

Project Description

The aim of this project is to advance science education in Serbian secondary schools by training teachers through Makers Labs on project-based learning through a hands-on neuroscience curriculum. A unique aspect of this project is the collaboration between Serbian and American scientists and educators. The project includes:

  • Development of new lesson plans to be incorporated into a Serbian version (Kako vaš mozak radi) of a recent MIT Press book (How your brain works) by Greg Gage
  • Printing of the book and distribution across Serbian high schools and general public
  • Teacher training programme to provide hands-on experience in both neuroscience techniques and use of the new curriculum
  • Distribution of hands-on neuroscience equipment to high schools who are in the Network of Makers Lab.
The Role of CPN

CPN will organise the hands-on workshops for high school teachers and students who are part of Makers lab initiative. Additionally, CPN will contribute to the development of the Serbian edition of the book How your brain works by Greg Gage, as well as to its translation, promotion and distribution.