STEM School Label

The STEM School Label project aims to create a general certifying system at the European level for STEM education in schools in an effective and innovative way, thus significantly contributing to improvement of skills and competences in this field. The idea of the project is to strengthen cooperation between schools, industry and researchers at the local level, thereby facilitating the process of transition between the stages in education.

Project Information

Funding source: Erasmus+

Implementation period: 09/2017 – 08/2020


Contact: Petar Lausevic –


EUN Partnership aisbl, European Schoolnet, Belgium  


Ciencia Viva, Portugal

Maison pour la Science en Alsace, France

Ugdymo Pletotes Centras, Lithuania

Centre for the Promotion of Science, Serbia

Project Description

The STEM School Label project will enable school representatives to evaluate their school according to universal criteria which define a school as STEM-oriented via an online platform and find out which specific fields they should work on to improve the level of STEM education in their school. Additionally, this platform will serve as a source of materials for schools, and provide assistance in the process of improving their STEM activities.

The Role of CPN

In cooperation with partners from Belgium, Portugal, Spain and France, in the first phase of the project the Center will contribute with local expertise to developing a set of criteria defining a STEM-oriented school, and then it will participate in the development and testing of the online platform. The CPN will organize workshops in cooperation with teachers, industry representatives and researchers, and subsequent presentations of the platform to schools and other stakeholders.