STEAM Learning Ecologies

STEAM Learning Ecologies (SLEs) aims at the development of engaging open schooling-enabled science learning paths for all in learning continuums of formal and informal learning environments that are also focusing on inclusiveness. The project will highlight the necessary conditions for bringing together all, rather than some, of the actors: formal, non-formal and informal education providers, as well as enterprises and the civil society – and giving all actors space and motivation to take initiative and central roles.

Project Information

Funding source: Horizon Europe program of the European Commission

Трајање пројекта: 01/2023 – 12/2025




European SchoolNet, Belgium


Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece

ECSITE, Belgium 

Agenzia Per La Promozione Della Ricerca Europea (APRE), Italy 

University Of Cyprus, Cyprus

Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu, Norway

Humboldt-Universitaet Zu Berlin, Germany

Wista-Management Gmbh (WISTA), Germany

Ministry For Education, Sport, Youth, Research And Innovation, Malta

Affiliated Partners

Centro Ciencia Viva Do Algarve, Portugal

Ayunatmiento De A Coruna, Estonia

National University Of Ireland Galway, Ireland

Center for the Promotion of Science, Serbia

Project Description

SLEs aims to map existing and create new local learning ecologies. 13 partner countries participate in the project, whereby there will be a repository of at least 100 learning ecologies and their results by the end of the project. Over the next three years, the goal of all partner countries of the SLEs project will be the facilitation of already existing learning ecologies, as well as participation in the co-creation of new ecologies at the local level. Partners will work together to develop potential learning pathways that local ecologies can develop. Special emphasis in the project is placed on the sustainability of the system, which means that a methodology for the creation and evaluation of STEAM ecologies will be developed for the purpose of reproducibility and further development of the STEAM learning ecosystem.

The Role of CPN

The Center for the Promotion of Science has a role in the work package that focuses on the creation, facilitation and implementation of STEAM learning ecologies. For this purpose, the Center will map the existing STEAM learning ecologies and actively participate in the process of creating new ecologies in the country. In this sense, the Center will have a twofold role: facilitating research-industry-learning synergy while promoting and supporting integrated projects that combine the application of science and innovation in industry with their inclusion in lifelong learning, mentoring groups involved in learning ecologies, so that they make full use of science and technology.