Researchers’ Night project
The goal of the ReFocuS project and the Researchers’ Night concept is to emphasise the importance of science in everyday life, and familiarise wider population with the scientific method and perspective, local researchers and their work. The ultimate goal of this project would be the promotion of the scientific career as a choice for young indecisive students and selection of the scientific research as a profession.
Project Information
Grant agreement: European Commission Horizon 2020 programme, Marie Curie subprogramme
Project Duration: 05/2016 – 12/2017
Project Website: nocistrazivaca.rs
Contact: Danijela Vučićević – dvucicevic@cpn.rs
Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš
Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute Kragujevac
Center for the Promotion of Science
Project Description
The theme of the project is migration, this contemporary framework showcases science and scientists as an open component of the society, whose ideas and results contribute to the economic, social and educational prosperity. The first year is being implemented under the title “Roads”, while the second will be dedicated to “Nations” – these are two inseparable components of migrations. The significance of migrations has been used to indicate the new trends in science and research. Open science, the mobility of scientist, and the multidisciplinary and international character of projects are all based on migrations, not only sociological but also migrations of knowledge, ideas and experience. The Programme is primarily designed for students of primary and secondary schools, but it is not strictly limited to these age groups.
The Role of CPN
CPN is managing the Work Package 1 which includes promotional activities and the creation of the visual identity, website and other visual materials.
The majority of promotional activities are connected to the organisation of the Science Truck visits; this truck serves as a travelling laboratory, classroom and space for workshops and panels. In light of the theme of the project, the goal is the migration of scientists from the capital to other parts of Serbia, so the largest possible number of visitors would be able to understand the importance of science and see that scientists are the “same as the rest of us”.