ODYSSEY: Oxford Debates for Youths in Science Education

Idea which lies at the basis of the ODYSSEY project is to support critical thinking development in students fostering their rhetorical skills, to enable students to use different knowledge resources, as well as to check their credibility, while highlighting the importance of civic education, spreading tolerance and democratic values.

Project Information

Grant agreement: European Commission Erasmus + (КА2) programme

Project Duration: 10/2018 – 03/2021

Project Website: odyssey.igf.edu.pl

Contact: Ivan Umeljić – iumeljic@cpn.rs


Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Energy Discovery Centre, Estonia 
Hellenic Institute of Rhetorical and Communication Studies (IRESE), Greece
Center for the Promotion of Science, Serbia

Project Description

The goal of this innovative action in the field of education is to develop argumentation skills, and to increase interest in subjects in the field of natural sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics in young people, aged between 13 and 19, through the organisation of debate competitions on topics in science.

The Role of CPN

CPN is a national coordinator of the project in Serbia. Teachers and students who are engaged in project activities are from the Sixth Belgrade Grammar School, Seventh Belgrade Grammar School, Fourteenth Belgrade Grammar School, First Kragujevac Grammar School, High School of Electrical Engineering “Nikola Tesla”, Grammar School “Svetozar Marković” in Niš, Primary and Boarding School “Petro Kuzmjak” in Ruski Krstur, and High School of Economics and Commerce “Paja Marganović” in Pančevo.