The Horizon Europe IMP>ACT project − IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR ACTION COMPETENCE, aims to develop a framework for evaluating the successfulness of education in the field of Sustainability and Climate Change. The IMP>ACT assessment framework will allow designers and implementers of SCCE policies, curricula and practices to collect information on the impact they achieve, and as such drive improved feedback loops between research, policy and practice. This ensures that SCCE materials, tools, interventions, and curricula stay relevant, and leads to evidence- based quality improvement of SCCE policies and practices.

Project Information

Source of funding: EU Horizon Europe programme

Project duration: 01/2024 – 12/2027


Contact: Lena Ilić -


Utrecht University, Netherlands


Karlstad University, Sweden

Keep Sweden Tidy, Sweden

U-Talent, Netherlands

University of Vechta, Germany

DG HochN, Germany

University of Antwerp, Belgium

Duurzaam EducatiePunt, Belgium

Masaryk University,Czech Republic

Junak Skaut Czesky,Czech Republic


Center for the Promotion of Science

Project Description

IMP>ACT aims to understand what learners truly gain from Sustainability and Climate Change Education (SCCE). At the core of the IMP>ACT assessment framework are the concepts of action competence (key observable learning outcome of SCCE) and action-orientation (key qualities of teaching, driving learning in SCCE). The IMP>ACT assessment framework will provide its users with: a map and definitions of areas for assessment of SCCE impact, instruments that can be used in such assessment and indicators that present valid, reliable and comparable information about the impact of SCCE. This will be accompanied by a methodology for applying the assessment in monitoring and evaluation, and a manual supporting users to implement the framework in an approach tailored to their specific context and needs. IMP>ACT will design and validate the framework in a user-centred, iterative approach through small-scale interventions, followed by six large-scale case studies, selected to cover the lifelong learning scope of SCCE.