The Hypatia project is named after the well-known Greek mathematician from the 4th century A.D. The aim of this project is to attract young people, 13 to 18 years old, to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to do this in a gender sensitive manner. Local gender equality, science and science communication experts, secondary school teachers and teenagers who are unable to decide what they want to study in the future are all more than welcome to participate in the activities organised as part of the Hypatia project.
Project Information
Source of Funding: Horizon 2020 European Commission Programme
Project Duration: 08/2015 – 07/2018
Project Website: http://expecteverything.eu/hypatia/
Contact: Marjana Brkic - mbrkic@cpn.rs
NEMO Sience Museum, the Netherlands
Bloomfield Science Museum, Israel
BureauQ , the Netherlands
ECSITE, Belgium
Experimentarium, Denmark
L’Orеal Foundation, France
Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Italy
PPG, Great Britain
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Universcience, France
Third Parties
UK Association of Science and Discovery Centers – ASDC, Great Britain
Experyment, Poland
La Caixa Foundation, Spain
Science Centre Noesis, Greece
Science Centre AHHAA, Estonia
Science Center Network – SCN, Austria
Science Gallery Dublin, Ireland
Teknikens Hus, Sweden
Centre for the Promotion of Science, Serbia
Project Description
The Hypatia project created on the basis of respecting and understanding gender differences, is working on motivating and encouraging young girls and boys to study and build their career in one of the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The Project is expected to reach more than 100,000 teachers, 20,000 research institutions and more than 4 million primary and secondary school students.
The Role of CPN
The most important role of the CPN is establishing the National Centre which will create and strengthen a network of all stakeholders active in the field of gender equality. Furthermore, CPN has a significant role in the development of the local Action Plan for the Gender Sensitive Communication with Students, adaptation and implementation of the Toolkit for such communication, the organisation of seminars and dissemination.