
European Digital Deal (EUDigitalDeal) explores how the accelerated processes of digital transformation and uprise of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain and algorithmic processing directly affect European democratic values and the integrity of our democratic systems. A network of European and global partners consisting of actors from the cultural sector, artists, creatives, researchers, scientific institutions and representatives from the public sector come together to explore how artistic perspectives can act as catalysts for human-centred, sustainable innovation. EUDigitalDeal calls for the deployment of technologies that preserve individual and societal human rights, consider long-term environmental implications and center on the needs of the people who use them.

Project Information

Source of funding: EU Programme Creative Europe

Project duration: 01/2023 − 12/2025


Contact: Dobrivoje Lale Erić –


Ars Electronica Linz, Austria


LABoral Centro de Arte, Spain

Fundacion Zaragoza / Etopia, Spain

Ariona Hella Onassis, Greece

Zavod Kersnikova / Kapelica, Slovenia

Culture Yard, Denmark

Gluon, Belgium

Waag Society, Netherlands

Pro Progressione, Hungary

Sineglossa, Italy

iMAL, Belgium

Teatro Circo de Braga, Portugal

Center for the Promotion of Science

Project Description

The project focuses on critical challenges such as the need to tackle media driven by algorithms, the urgency to create digital public spaces that protect the fundamental rights of European citizens, and the demand to significantly increase the investments in digital literacy. It calls for the involvement of civil society, artists and cultural institutions in technological innovation and an Action Plan for tech development that honors gender equality, privacy and fosters diversity.

The 13 partners tackle these questions heads on through a programme that focuses on innovation, education and guidance driven by more than 200 artists: 12 artistic pilots will bring out new forms of innovation; 41 capacity building programs and training materials will support artists, educators and the young generation of changemakers in their learning; 24 EUDigitalDeal Days, Festivals and Exhibitions will open the doors for a shared understanding and public discourse. And EUDigitalDeal's roadmap will manifest its human-centred path towards digital transformation in the interactive, web based Digital Futures Action Plan.

The Role of CPN

The CPN co-leads work package 6 − GUIDE, wherein another study visit − We Inspire You! Tour − will bring 30 actors, stakeholders and media representatives to Linz and other neighbouring project partners, like it was done through the AI Lab project in 2019. Three editions of the art+science festival (in 2023, 2024 and 2025) will be principally funded through the EU Digital Deal, including original productions, visiting artists and researchers, and diverse educational and public programs. The CPN will also develop and fund one global and three national art+science productions based on interdisciplinary collaborations and local residencies.