Development of STEAM Education
The DoSE project aims at improving current integrative STEAM approaches and practices (Engl. STEAM – science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) and providing resources and tools for teachers and education professionals to develop STEAM strategies at the school level.
Project Information
Source of Funding: Erasmus + European Commission programs
Implementation period: 10/2020 – 01/2023
Contact: Marjana Brkic -
National Agency for Education, Lithuania
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Klaipėda University, Lithuania
University of Turku, Finland
Katholieke Hogeschool Vives Zuid, Belgium
Paderborn University, Germany
Radboud University, Netherlands
Tallinn University, Estonia
Center for the Promotion of Science
Project Description
The goal of the DoSE project is to support schools across Europe in improving existing STEAM approaches by adding carefully selected artistic elements, as well as to encourage the youth to approach science, to develop scientific knowledge and to opt for scientific careers. One of its main activities is to develop a necessary set of tools for schools to involve students, teachers and other community members in the development and appropriation of STEAM projects and strategies. By providing relevant guidance and support for these innovative activities at the national level, the project will expand the network of STEAM schools in order to include not only teachers, but also other stakeholders such as research centers, NGOs, non-formal educational centers, etc.
The Role of CPN
CPN is in charge of the work package / intellectual output that aims at mapping and collecting valuable existing practices of STEAM education at the European level. The Center is also actively presenting and disseminating project activities and resources within the educational community of Serbia.