Applications / Programmes

EU Programmes and Applications

The first European project in which the Center for the Promotion of Science participated was the Researchers’ Night in 2012 held under the name “FRIEND2YOU” and funded through the European Commission’s FP7 Programme. After successful implementation and analysis of opportunities and resources, the Center began to actively participate and apply for project funding under various EU programmes – FP7, LLP Comenius, Erasmus+, Creative Europe, COST and Horizon 2020.

Almost at any time, the Center has at least several applications in the evaluation phase, and there is always a willingness to get involved in developing new consortiums and preparing new applications, as well as continuing the successfully initiated and implemented activities. In this domain, if we exclude higher education and scientific research organizations, the CPN is the national leader in the preparation and implementation of EU-funded projects when it comes to public organizations and institutions. At the time of writing this text (June 2017), the Center was a partner in more than 50 applications, with a total of 20 project proposals approved.

If you would like to invite us to join a new project application or to consult and analyze the possibilities together, please send an e-mail to the Head of the Department for International Cooperation, Dobrivoje Lale Erić, at