The Horizon Europe SECURE project − Sustainable Careers for Researcher, aims to investigate researchers’ career paths in the European context and build on the existing policies and recommendations for improving research careers. SECURE develops coordination and support measures to create, trial, implement, and mainstream a common Research Career Framework (RCF) that offers a suite of options to support organisations in the recruitment, employment, training, development, progression, and mobility of researchers with the aim to improve research careers and reduce career precarity.
Project Information
Source of funding: EU Horizon Europe programme
Project Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2024
Website: secureproject.eu
Contact: Irena Šujdović − isujdovic@cpn.rs
The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN), Spain
CRAC-Vitae, United Kingdom
Technopolis Consulting Group, Belgium
ICORSA, Ireland
Eurodoc, Belgium
Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA), Austria
The Academy of Business in Society (ABIS), Belgium
ADOC Talent Management, France
Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN), Belgium
University of Rijeka (UNIRI) (UNIRI), Croatia
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Nova University Lisbon, Portugal
Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Austria
Euroscience Association, France
Bay Zoltan Alkalmazott Nonprofit, Hungary
VDI/VDE Innovation and Technik Gamble, Germany
Center for the Promotion of Science
Project Description
SECURE project works on improving the long-term sustainability of researchers’ careers by providing its own methodology, pilots and recommendations, as well as inciting dialogue on European level regarding research-related topics. In its two-year duration, this project will: develop a comprehensive Research Career Framework (RCF) integrating relevant existing policies; develop a range of Tenure Track-Like (TTL) models integrating the best practices from existing use cases; conduct trials at organisations to implement, test, and refine the RCF; engage research stakeholders for co-design and validation of the RCF; and mainstream the RCF through EURAXESS network, policy brief, final summit and policy roundtable.
The Role of CPN
CPN participates in this project by leading the work package in charge of the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities. CPN created the project’s visual identity as well as all communication channels and formats in order to raise awareness about the project, disseminate and exploit the outputs and results of SECURE targeting key stakeholders and the wider public.