
genderSTE – Gender in Science, Technology and Engineering

GenderSTE is a network of experts gathered around the idea of promoting gender equality in research and innovation whose work is aimed at influencing the process of policy making.

Project Information

Source of Funding: COST Action for international cooperation of researchers, scientists and other stakeholders

Implementation period: 01/2014 – 12/2016


Contact: Djurdja Timotijevic -

Members of the network

The network includes government institutions, research organisations, universities, private companies and non-profit organisations from 40 countries, as well as international organisations from Europe and the world. The Centre for the Promotion of Science is one of its members.

Action coordinator: Prof. Inés Sánchez de Madariaga

Project Description

GenderSTE (Gender in Science, Technology and Engineering) is a European network of policy makers and researchers gathered around the idea of gender equality and better integration of gender analysis in research and innovation. The Network is working on encouraging structural changes in scientific and research institutions, as well as on emphasising the need for greater gender sensitivity regarding the contents and effect of research and innovation. The activities are aimed at enabling the policy makers and researchers to network and create strong relationships.

The Role of CPN

CPN is actively advocating gender equality in STEM areas on all levels, from students in elementary schools to policy makers. One of the project roles of the Centre is to organise genderSTE training courses for policy makers in Belgrade (November 2016).