SciProm 2013

SCIPROM 2013: SEE Region Science Promotion Conference

The Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN) organized the first SEE Regional Science Promotion Conference (SCIPROM) in 2013, under the UNESCO patronage, with the aim to bring together science promotion professionals, practitioners and enthusiasts to share experience and network in order to strengthen the link between science and society in our region.

In the competitive global environment the imperative is to enhance economic and social capacities by improving the educational structure of society, inspiring innovation and technological advancement, and creating a milieu for appreciation of the value and benefits of knowledge. It’s necessary to place science and innovation higher on the public agenda in order to better meet the challenges on the way towards reaching the development of knowledge-based economy in our region.

Keynote sessions brought and presented wide range of international experts and representatives of international organizations, research and educational institutions, science communicators, NGOs, private sector and media on board. They addressed diversed and intruiging topics of science promotion and communication, and opened the debate on how to:

  • Use science and innovation to boost economic development.
  • Strengthen the link between science and societythrough communication between the state and local institutions, research organizations, academic community, media and the public.
  • Improve the scientific culture in the regionvia public popular science programs.
  • Increase the role of mediain the promotion of science and education.
  • Emphasize the role of science centers and science campsin the popularization of science.
  • Improve science communication and language of scientists and researchersallowing them to present their work in a comprehensive manner.
  • Highlight the relevance of gender equality in science, academia and technology.
  • Further network existing projects and initiatives and establish new alliances for science promotion.

While exploring these challenges and finding synergies along the way, the speakers and participants of the Conference succeeded in the identification of short and long­term strategic goals for the development of dynamic societies in SEE region, open to the future agendas and mutual development.